13 min readMar 27, 2021

Introducing RUON AI.

Everything has changed due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. We now have less transparency, and for many of us, less money. It seems like no matter what we do, there is nothing out there to truly elevate the global system. That is until now! For the last four years, a groundbreaking concept has been in secret development to finally change how we see technology. A platform built to make money FOR us, not take money FROM us. RUON AI has been expertly designed to allow its users to earn money by simply posting a video or photograph.

The platform is engineered to easily facilitate how people in the developed world can support those less fortunate in the 3rd world. We plan to operate on a space-based blockchain that aspires to bring the power back to the people and help eradicate extreme global poverty in the process. RUON.AI is a new life assistant, social platform with a suite of groundbreaking features designed to make your life easier and more organized, with its own electronic currency (called RUON COIN) meaning you can now POST. STREAM. EARN. SPEND and GIVE BACK!

Sounds crazy, right? However, please allow me to explain.

RUON AI’s Top 18 In-App Features

Post, Earn, Stream, Spend, Give Back

We use apps that we love, yet we get nothing in return. For the first time ever, users will be able to make money with their posts by receiving RUONs (RUON is a digital currency that can be spent on a debit card) instead of ‘Likes.’ Normally, a content post with 10,000 ‘likes’ has no value, however, in RUON’s unique world a content post with 10,000 RUONs, provided by other users, could be worth $500 with this money instantly available to spend in their digital wallet or by using their RUON Visa debit card. Additionally, users will be able to send digital points or currency to other users’ posts in order to support them and their ideas and projects, as well as to their network by attaching cryptocurrency directly to selected posts. This revolutionary feature allows for immediate money transfer by simply tapping twice on your smartphone: make money immediately by simply taking a selfie or posting photos and videos!

Face Filters & Hollywood Special Effects

RUON AI is set to include over 1,300 custom high spec, face filters and voice changes and all types of face recognition effects (BETA App is available on demand). Some of these filters are the best quality on market with other photo and video improvement tools, including a movie-production-class timeline editor allowing you to change face filters and SFX whilst editing on the go. Because RUON plans to provide an in-app timeline editor, you can also add in and place Hollywood special effects (totally unique RUON) and music in all of your scenes. It takes content creation to a whole new level! RUON AI targets to host content creation and movie production contests with attractive prizes, for those who want to showcase their skills. RUON AI is planning a global film festival contest for influencers using RUON’s technology with the best films being voted on by the RUON community. Because of RUON’s timeline editor and unique ability to ‘save’ videos, coupled with it’s huge catalog of music and SFX effects we feel that users will start making feature length films all on the RUON app.

Save Photos and Videos: Originals & Enhanced Versions

Most video content posts have to be done in a single sitting. We currently can’t film a scene in one place then go somewhere else and add in a new scene with another friend days later. But, with RUON’s revolutionary ‘timeline’ video editor and the ability to save these timelines to the RUON encrypted cloud, it will allow for videos, special effects, new characters, music, pictures and emojis to be added to all types of content creation at a later time. Additionally, RUON will allow users to always save both the unmodified original versions of their photos and videos as well as the version they modify with a facial filter or other photo/video improvement tools; all whilst allowing them to access their RUON photos and videos from any device anywhere.

Categorize Social Network for Mass Communication

The RUON app plans to allow you to perfectly categorize all your friends and family and business contacts for much better communication when organizing events, parties, social gatherings and even launching a business. RUON aspires to keep you in better contact with all your new and old relationships. Once your contacts are categorized the AI in-app feature will also tell you when they are in town and popup with a message to keep you in better contact with old friends you might have lost contact with.

Timeline Editing & Music Subscription Options

RUON AI is in talks with the two largest music labels in the industry for the very latest A-list artist song releases to be available for attaching to content creators videos and posts. RUON is also negotiating a deal, similar to what’s currently available on TikTok, to make over 20 million music tracks available to the RUON users to listen and attach to content and videos in a drop at their leisure. Once these licensing deals are complete RUON should have one of the largest music catalogues available for ‘user generated content’ and streaming service functionality.

Anti-Bullying, Trolls & Hate

RUON is building sophisticated technology that identifies online bullying and #hate comments. Did you know that since the mass adoption of social media teenage depression rates have risen by 60%? Online trolls and haters bring misery to millions of people everyday. Well, on RUON that’s all about to change, we plan for comments to first be filtered through our anti-hate word algorithms.

Go Viral Feature

With RUON AI we plan for a new way of advertising content posts, users can pay to let their posts GoViral to earn more RUON Coin. Boosting will be at the point of ‘content posting’ which is totally unique to RUON. The GoViral feature hopes to be a very efficient add-on to the RUON standard ad campaign options and can be also combined with ad campaigns to generate more traction compared to other platforms. The RUON AI algorithms plan to enable the users to spend GoViral and ad campaign dollars in the most effective and efficient ways.

Saving Lives Quickly

RUON AI has submitted a global emergency life-saving AI patent that will effectively save hundreds of thousands of lives before they are affected. In future versions of RUON we are developing an AI to scan news feeds and new website stations for areas about to be affected by war, famine or oncoming naturals disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis or genocide. RUON’s sophisticated locality databases plan to scan the charity platform of RUON and put all the users in these areas of immediate danger to the top of the search engines of people in need. RUON AI users in the developed world, not classified as persons in need, are obligated to earmark 5% of their earnings to charities, orphanages or people in need on that side of the platform. These users will easily see, and instantly be alerted to, all these people in immediate need of donations, and be able to help them migrate from the endangered areas, buy medicine, purchase food, or other critical life saving items with RUON COIN and donations.

Cross Platform RUON Currency

* These companies are not associated with RUON at this time.

One of the most exciting aspects of RUON, which is also covered by the company’s extensive patent application, is the fact that the RUON Currency aspires to be available across the internet and other social and gaming platforms.

Automated Birthday Present Sending

We all have our birthday reminders in our calendars, phones, etc., but so often we forget to get our loved ones anything on their special day. With RUON AI’s “AI Personal Gift Assistant” birthday feature, after you’ve spent time adding addresses of all our loved ones, the AI will select and display a possible bday present from the curated e-commerce stores. Then you simply click “yes” and it sends that present automatically, via Amazon drop-shipping, to your friend or family member, so you never miss a birthday present again!

Who’s in Town Alerts

RUON AI plans to make it easy to see users around a geolocation. Let’s say a friend comes to town but we have no idea. Now, RUON will send friend location alerts. A user can change settings to see other users in another locations: this feature is quite handy when traveling since a user can check out who’s at a destination or city before even arriving; or who is in another part of town, e.g., at a party location where the user is about to arrive later. This is a private or public gesture and the user has full access if they want to be discovered or not. For privacy, this feature also doesn’t show precise locations; it just alerts you that a friend is in town or your local area.

Never Forget a Friend

How often have you met someone, stored their number but because you’ve been so busy you didn’t text them back and then too much time goes by to reach back out. Simply click send and RUON AI will send it keeping you in much better communication with all your new and old contacts in your phone.

Security and encrypted storage of Data

Companies have used and sold our data without our knowledge for their own gain. We see this when we talk about something and suddenly an advertisement comes up in our feed. It’s not okay. RUON AI has a detailed patent application that plans to show all the data points it has, and plans to give its users the ability to select and delete any and all data points simply from their profile. Users will also have the ability to earn money from advertisers using data points to send advertising on the RUON platform. As technology gets more advanced so do hackers. RUON will provide a fully encrypted mobile chat and banking application and RUON promises never to sell data without the user’s consent & knowledge or hide it in small print.

Curated E-Commerce Stores to Make Users Money

RUON AI aims to marry e-commerce and social media for the first time in one single platform. RUON AI aspires to build e-commerce stores (e.g., footwear, VR, fashion, electronics, fun stuff) that will be accessible to all RUON users within their profile page. We plan for users to also be able to accept money transfer links, payment, token gifting or token donations inside a Commerce Chat Room.

Saving Money when Transferring Cash

RUON AI aspires to provide the user/influencer with their own Cryptocurrency Wallet connected to a RUON Prepaid (cryptocurrency) card. We plan for the Wallet to store RUON AI Tokens but also other cryptocurrencies with its partnership with on-app digital exchanges. We plan to build the Wallet using a combination of WebSockets, Rest API’s & WebHooks from trusted and well-known 3rd party providers delivering the highest security protocols. The wallet will provide categorized accounting and purchase reports after each transaction so users can provide up to the minute accounting for their personal and business accounts, including personal taxes and expenses. RUON users will be able to send money in the form of RUON to other RUON app users anywhere in the World instantly and at a fraction of the cost of any other form of bank wire or international money transfers service.

Crypto Sending from Space to 3rd World

  • red circles representing an area of connectivity powered by a SovereignSky satellite.

RUON AI is also unique as it’s designed to own one of the networks that RUON AI runs on within the developing and underdeveloped territories. That network is called SovereignSky. In partnership with SpaceQuest, SovereignSky launched its first blockchain satellite onboard SpaceX in December 2018 with plans to roll-out 3–7 additional satellites over the equator. RUON AI aspires to effectively be the only social platform in the world that independently controls its own route to market through SovereignSky.

The overarching goal of SovereignSky is to create a satellite network that will deliver not only connectivity, but direct access to an extremely powerful blockchain network to Africa, India, South America, and in the long-term to developed countries as well. This will enable RUON & Sovereign’s electronic currency to be sent as ‘financial aid’ to mobile phones distributed by charities in these remote and poor areas. In fact, when fully operational RUON Inc.”RUON AI” will be one of the first two companies to be able to send financial aid to anywhere in the 3rd world without even power or internet. Please read more here

Enabling the Economically Disadvantaged

RUON AI plans to enable individuals to perform peer-to-peer donations — which is the most efficient way of funding charitable projects and people in need. In the non-profit field, a charity is considered to be an efficient organization if 65% of the donated money is spent on charitable causes and no more than 35% on administrative and other costs of the organization. With the joint effort of RUON AI and SovereignSky, up to 97.5% of the donation or contribution will reach the person in need, instantly! Not only individuals, but companies and organizations as well can track the distribution and success of their donations via RUON AI. Users will be able to see online pictures and videos of how their money has improved lives, created renewable energy sources, contributed to the building of schools, restock medical supplies, and purchasing everyday items that we take for granted. Pledge videos created by individuals hopefully will contribute to the success of peer-to-peer donations by inspiring others in the RUON community.

SOS Alert Safe System

RUON AI plans to create two SOS alert systems integrated in the app for protection from domestic violence and general abuse. This in-app system will connect users in need to a charity like ‘ChildHelp’ which is a charity run call center. The company is in talks with various charities to partner on the huge charity platform of RUON. Children, spouses and general victims of abuse will have the option to call, via an SOS button on the app, a charity hotline that will connect the user to the appropriate government or charity response team.

There will be a special feature that will allow the call center staff to record real-time evidence of the abuse taking place which the charity will hold and record on the behalf of the user. This recording will then serve as a tool for abuse prevention and evidence on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, features to make a super safe app for children will be the ability to allow parents and guardians access to all the users their children are talking to via a parental access point on their own app.

Gathering our Thoughts

We love the apps we use everyday, but to make a living from them would be even better. As busy people, we don’t have too much free time to give. But with RUON AI, we plan for everyone to make money by simply using the social platform. Instead of liking photos or videos, users attach cryptocurrency, making money transfers as easy as a double tap on the screen. RUON AI can empower us all to embrace our inner entrepreneurial spirit and help those in need.

Blockchain stems from love: it was created to empower people all over the world. We aspire to be the best in class to give health and wealth to everyone. Billions of people still live below the poverty level (living on under $1.90 a day) in third world countries which are plagued with currency problems. Local government and international aid isn’t fast enough. We aspire to be able to send cryptocurrencies to people in need via our recently launched spaced-base blockchain satellite, so they can spend the stabilized money on medicine, food and clothes.

Launching soon. Visit RUON.AI and to find out more.

The Social Renaissance has begun.


RUON AI is a highly sophisticated, next generation Artificial Intelligence social media, chat, banking and entertainment mobile application for mass market.